Our Services

Our Woork-LAB offers a complete range of services, from design to manufacturing of custom and bespoke high-quality furniture pieces.

Our skilled and experienced artisans will provide you with all the ability needed to build your unique projects.

Attention to details and tradition, combined with handcrafted quality, is our biggest pride and our most valued proficiency among our partners and clients.

How we Woork



Mock-ups and prototypes are usually made to study critical issues or potential improvements and become the base for all design development activities.

design development

WOORK will lead the effort to assure that established brand standards and original concept design are carefully fulfilled with maximum quality and cost efficiency.


WOORK, with the support of an established network of production plants, can manage production, or act as a supervisor to third party vendors directly hired by the client.

field operation

WOORK in conjunction with local installation teams, can provide a quality-oriented installation service or supervise the installation process made by client’s team.